Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
Discontinued stock images below
for those who were unable to get to us due to adverse weather conditions
we can post free in the UK,
Please contact us for any more details.
SUNDAY 8th DECEMBER 11am - 5pm
Sale of Trials, Demonstrations, Pot Throwing, Vintage Glass Shop, Refreshments
12" T BUD. LTD 1/20
£430 + vat
We are very sad to report the passing of John McGhie, a passionate collector of Dennis Chinaworks for many years. He specialised in rare designs and minatures. The collection took over the house but John could usually find a vase he had squirelled away. As a hard working Criminal Lawyer he worked long unsociable hours and at the drop of a hat would be on the road to Somerset chasing an unusual prize. His two Children were very sympathetic and tolerent.
John had a rare collecting passion - 'Carvacraft' - he might have been the only one and would ask at antique fairs if anyone had any - "No" was the answer "What is it ?" "Oh - never mind" would say John and move on.
Presentation Bowl for the ICCA
(The International Correspondence of Corkscrew Addicts)
Designed and painted by the pottery
From the collection of Ann & Gordan Getty
Recently sold their Dennis Chinaworks Owl plate in auction for $448
Very sad to report that D.C.W. retailer Mary Whettem died of cancer on Saturday 13th April.
Mary was an important and much loved member of the team. Well known at Shepton Mallet where she would man a most beautiful and professional stand. Her open days in Sussex were legendery. Her collectors became a band of friends and Mary supported by her husband Andy looked after them all with great aplomb. Mary will be sorely missed. Her funeral is at Holly Cross Church, Bignor on Tuesday 30th April at 2.30pm.
Chess Mice
We are selling the last of the chess pieces we have in stock that we had kept as samples, they are all numbered and are first quality.
If you are interested in any of the pieces below please contact us by email.
Black Bishop £190 + vat
Black Pawn £100 + vat
White Pawn £100 + vat
It was a pleasure to see so many people at the open day, thank you for your support and feedback.
Please click below for Dennis Chinaworks Slideshow 2020
Based on a drawing by L.S.Lowry this authorised edition have been created by the Dennis Chinaworks and designed by Sally Tuffin.
She has taken Lowry’s original work and interpreted it to work seamlessly around a three dimensional vase.
The 10 inch pot is hand thrown on a wheel by Rory Mcleod and hand painted by Vanessa Thompson using brush techniques which make the pot unmistakably a Lowry.
Lowry "The Football Match" Limited edition vase
Series 18, Episode 28
Jules Hudson is on a house-hunting mission in the Somerset countryside.
Away from the property search, Jules meets Sally Tuffin,
a former London fashion designer turned ceramics artist,
and sees how her creative work is inspired by her rural Somerset surroundings.
BBC's 'Escape to the country' filming the pottery
Dennis Chinaworks has made a stunning cup for Professor Jonathan Mallinson, the retiring Dean of Trinity College Oxford.
Presented to the college it will be displayed with college commemoratives.
The shape is inspired by the carved wooden chalice by Grindling Gibbons in the 17th century college chapel.
The cup is decorated with a pattern fronm the wrought iron gates of the college and impressed with the quotation
'All that is gold does not glitter' and a latin inscription which translates 'A fellow gave this chalice to the fellows with much affection - 2017'.
Thrown by Rory Mcleod, designed by Sally Tuffin & decorated by Theresa Blackmore.
Somerset Life Magazine
Commissioned Designs
The Somerset Cider Brandy Company commissioned Dennis Chinaworks
to make these limited edition bottles for their 20 year old Cider Brandy.
Available from the link below
Someone obviously likes them as the first one has been stolen from the shop at Burrow Hill.Please keep your eyes out it's no.1 (Geometric)